The Source Course

Return to Wholeness

How to free yourself from the suffering of the unexamined mind and return to source, to wholeness, the truth of what you are.

Discover the Online Foundation Course

“Source Course
 Return to Wholeness

In The Source Course, Return to Wholeness, you are invited to:

This course is designed to shift your attention from the suffering of the mind and support you to reclaim the joy of living through transformational tools and wisdom to return us all to the fullness of being alive.

What You'll Learn

Personal Message from
Ena Vie & Dr. Howard Lipp

We’re here to create an opportunity for healing, for listening, for a return to Source, to Wholeness, because this is what has transformed our lives, and this is what we are here to share. It is a powerful way that we have discovered through presence, plant medicine, sound, and community and it has transformed our lives completely.

“We have been exactly where you are right now – confused, disconnected and suffering, lost in the jungle of our minds. We struggled through that jungle, and we discovered a way through. You do not have to do it alone. Let us support you as you find your way. We are here to help you return to wholeness and to remember who and what you are.”

“We are nature, and we can derive our understanding of being alive, being here, or being connected to the source of all of life through nature.”

Ena Vie

​​The Inspiration for
“Source Course
Return to Wholeness

Over the past fifteen years of working with thousands of participants in our work, we have watched people’s hearts open and their minds expand. We have seen them connect to their authentic self and have witnessed incredible healings and transformations. Yet for some people after a period of time, the connection to their authentic self faded, and the lessons and teachings received eluded them. It was sometimes frustrating for them. We wanted to provide more support. We needed to create something that would help people retain the connection to their authentic self after working with psychedelics, or transformational retreats, and workshops.

When COVID came, we were able to slow down, listen more deeply and begin the process of crafting this course that had been inviting us to create it for many years. The Source Course was inspired by years of experience in sacred ceremonies, transformational retreats, and workshops we attended and led. The tools and practices within this course are constructed to be practically and easily applied in our typical daily routines.

In the Source Course – Return to Wholeness, you will connect more deeply to your authentic self, learn tools to keep that connection alive, recall the work that you have done in previous ceremonies, workshops or retreats and live a more connected and meaningful life.

In "The Source Course
Return to Wholeness", you are invited to:

Discover the Unexamined Mind

Explore how the root of our disconnection from our authentic nature and from our essence causes us suffering and conflict. You will explore the unexamined mind to learn how it is truly the root of our suffering.

Awaken to Mental Addiction & Attachment to the False Self

You will explore the nature of addiction, and how to recognize when the addictive cycle is in effect. You will explore how the false self drives the addiction and the need. You will explore tools to use to counter the addictive voice.

Come Home to the Authentic Self - Essence

You will explore the authentic self and how to challenge the thoughts in your head to separate the false self from the true self. You must learn to discern what is the truth from what is false.

Living in Wholeness

You will learn to return to the breath when life challenges you. You will learn to pause when triggered, and respond instead of react. You will learn to use your triggers to help you see the beliefs that are causing them. You will learn to cultivate your ability to remain present in life. Find peace and stillness even when life presents challenges.

Course Bonuses

Our Story:

When we met, we were two wounded souls who left behind everything we had learned in our unique yet similar and very fundamentalist upbringings. We came from opposite ends of the spectrum in so many ways, one religious and athletic, and one from music and addiction, and yet we both studied in the school of life seeking guidance, wisdom and healing. In our quest for wholeness and healing, we traversed many traditions and practices while also living decades in suffering: depression, addiction, grief, doubt, confusion and fear. We both explored indigenous ways of knowing and being and searched for a deeper connection to nature and earth as our teachers.

We know that more important than any words spoken, we are here to live with our hearts open, to empty ourselves of false beliefs, to be mindfully anchored in the present moment, to no longer be caught up in our false self, and to awaken. The guiding themes and wisdom cultivated and taught in this course are truths that we have uncovered and utilized in our own path of healing and awakening, returning us home to deep connection and union with and as Source. We are all a unique expression of the vast universe and an integral part of all that is seen and unseen. While many of us may have experienced this awareness through plant medicine, meditation, altered state encounters, or understand this intellectually as a concept, we may step in and out of truly living this truth. That we are intrinsically connected.

To really trust that we are whole, complete and born of and will return to Source, to trust this as truth, without doubt, is what transforms us in the most profound way. This is what continues to guide and inspire us to open our hearts to deep peace, joy, love, wisdom, trust and gratitude.

We are honored to walk this path with you, in life, the deepest connection to all.

With love and gratitude –

Ena Vie & Dr. Howard Lipp

“Source Course Return to Wholeness

Who is this course for?

People Seeking a Spiritual Connection

Are you seeking more meaning and purpose in your life? Are you lacking connection to the world around you and within you? This course is a welcome oasis to those who are tired of seeking. The simple tools and accessible teachings are here for you no matter where you are in life.

People Who Have Tried Everything Else

Many people have told us they have tried everything, and nothing has helped. We have been in your shoes! This course is for those who want to deepen their connection to Source and return to beginner’s mind. In this process, utilizing your experiences and past insights from your life as well as breaking through limiting beliefs will assist you as you gain new perspectives.

Those Who Are Feeling Stuck in Old Patterns & Pain

Life can often seem overwhelming, and our pain and struggles can feel like they are too powerful to overcome. Ena and Howard have walked a long road of deep emotional and mental suffering and they bring to you, through this process, tools that they have learned and acquired from other guides and teachers to help you in your journey to Source, to Wholeness.

Practitioners, Healers, Therapists

You will learn to return to the breath when life challenges Many practitioners, healers and therapists often share with others the powerful practice of returning to Source and the healing energy that is presence, life. And - those who give - also need a place to come and receive and replenish from the vast well of infinite stillness and peace.

"Ultimately, the great mystery is an abundant wellspring of giving. It's completely overflowing. When a human being connects to their authentic nature and their divinity, they are an abundant wellspring of whatever it is they're here for."

Dr. Howard Lipp

What People Are Saying

Ena Vie & Dr. Howard Lipp
Your Guides on this Journey

For over 25 years, Ena and Howard have been on the path of healing, recovery and awakening. They have worked with psychedelics and traditional and nontraditional knowledge keepers to support their healing from addiction, depression, anxiety, and disconnection from life and their purpose.

Together for over 15 years, they’ve been making music and facilitating transpersonal, transformational retreats and workshops. After facilitating hundreds of experiences and engaging in thousands of conversations with participants before and after the experience, they discovered their purpose and truth to support those seeking their authentic self and inherent divinity. They do this through their in-person and online community, their music, speaking engagements, retreats, their non-profit and beyond.

Our work is to help others put down their suffering and discover their authentic self and their purpose. Daoism, Kabbalah, Shamanism, The Red Road, Plant Medicine and Presence helped guide us while discovering our authentic self. We share what we have learned from our path and from supporting countless people to transform their lives and awaken to the truth of their authentic self.”

Ena Vie has an MA in Indigenous Science, Dr. Howard Lipp received his Ph.D. in Metaphysics and Humanistic Science.